Love, Joy, Peace...

Looking for a way to get "plugged in" and serve?

There are *LOTS* of possibilities for both one-and-done projects, long-term projects, and recurring duties -- whatever fits your schedule and the LORD calls and equips you for.  Work exclusively at home, on-site, or both.  Try something for a while, and then transition to something else.

Here are some examples:

Administrative and/or Techy

* What's wrong with our copier?  Is it something we can diagnose and fix ourselves?  Or what business should we contact?

* What is a good, reasonably priced way to update our sound system, e.g. so we can play MP3s?  And what about a wearable mic?

* Organizing transparencies, seeing which need to be redone (e.g. print too small), what additional songs are needed ...

* Recording sermons and posting online

* Making bulletins for worship services

* Helping with templates for bulletin content

* Organizing work parties and/or projects

* Helping to draft policies / best practices

* Design booklets of the most used worship songs not in our hymnals (intended for 3-ring binders with removable pages so they can be updated)

Hands On

* On-site set-up and take-down

* Operating the overhead projector during worship (so we don't need printed copies of all the songs)

* Changing the banners as needed

* Making banners for seasons for which we don't have any, such as Lent / Advent

* Cleaning the kitchen top-to-bottom; possibly re-organizing and seeing what's no longer needed; considering whether we should convert to a warming kitchen (get rid of stove) and what that would look like ...

* Getting estimates and weighing pros and cons of painting the church vs. siding

* Replacing worn/damaged boards

* Repainting pews

* Cleaning out downstairs and upstairs

* "Dump" runs - being or assisting Loudon residents with pickup trucks

* Finding "homes" for items donated to the clothing shed that St. Pauly Textile doesn't accept and we have no need for

* And many more ... can refer to site inspection report

Music & more

* Musicians & vocalists for worship music, soaking prayer music, and/or prayer meetings

* Selecting music for worship to fit the day's theme and/or lectionary readings

* Sorting through the file cabinets of music downstairs to see what's what, what to keep and what to discard (give away, sell, recycle)

Missions, Reading, Greeting, ...

* Scripture and other readings during worship

* Scheduling people for monthly NH Prays

* Organizing various fundraisers/activities such as the annual Care Women's Center Baby Bottle Fundraiser, Samaritans Purse' Operation Christmas Child, etc.

* Sharing an occasional "missions moment" re an organization or opportunity


* Making reports for annual meeting, etc. (data in GnuCash currently)

* Designing simple, short report format for regular (e.g. monthly) updates

Tangible Assets & Repairs

In addition to the copier needing repair (mentioned above), and repairs in the Hands On section,

* The refrigerator/freezer is no longer keeping things cold properly, especially in the summer. Items in the refrigerator aren't as cold as they should be, and a cup of water put in the freezer remains liquid. It's probably old enough that it should be replaced, but we're also open to someone seeing if it's fixable.

* The pushbar on one of the doors needs replacing because it doesn't stay unlocked properly. It's safe as far as one can push it from the inside and easily exit whether in the locked or unlocked position, of course. But if it's shut people may get locked out. From what we've learned, this would be a many hour project even for someone who had done it many times before.